
Interactive Computing with Jupyter on Piz Daint, using Python, ParaView and Julia

Vacancies not available

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) is pleased to announce the tutorial "Interactive Computing with Jupyter on Piz Daint, using Python, ParaView and Julia," which will be held online on Monday, April 26, from 09:00 to 16:15 CEST (Central European Summer Time). This tutorial is addressed to Piz Daint users.


In this tutorial we will discuss how to use the JupyterHub service on Piz Daint for data analysis, visualization and rapid prototyping of code. In the first part we will show you how to install Python modules, use virtual environments and install custom kernels into your JupyterLab or notebook environment. We will discuss dask, ipyparallel and mpi4py, and demonstrate NVIDIA's GPU dashboards for basic profiling of GPU code. The second part will focus on the use of ParaView in Jupyter notebooks, covering topics including migrating from ParaView desktop to ParaView in Jupyter, SMP- and MPI-based parallellism in ParaView within a notebook, and dask, numpy and xarray in ParaView. The final part will cover the Julia language, providing an overview of the Julia package ecosystem and an introduction to GPU programming with Julia. This tutorial is targeted at current users of Piz Daint and will be held over Zoom.

Target Audience

This tutorial is addressed to Piz Daint users.


09:00-10:45     JupyterHub and JupyterLab on Piz Daint
10:45-11:00     Break
11:00-12:00     ParaView and Jupyter, Part I
12:00-13:00     Lunch Break
13:00-14:00     ParaView and Jupyter, Part II
14:00-14:15     Break
14:15-16:15     Programming in Julia 


Dr. Tim Robinson, Computational Scientist, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

Dr. Jean Favre, Senior Visualisation Software Engineer, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

Harmen Stoppels, Software Engineer, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

Participation Fee

Registration for this tutorial is free-of-charge. Mentors and learning materials are offered by the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre.


Please note that registration for this tutorial is limited to Piz Daint users. Kindly register with the email address associated to your Piz Daint account. Registered attendees will receive the ZOOM details for participation and the credentials to access the Piz Daint machine (for hands-on sessions) on the evening prior to the start of the tutorial (Sunday, April 25, 2021). The link and password you will receive are unique to you and should not be shared with others.

Deadline for registration: Sunday, April 18, 2021.

Registration for the course will automatically close when we reach the maximum number of participants.


Inquiries may be addressed to robinson@cscs.ch.
