CSCS resources currently distribute compute time to academia through the following allocation schemes.
Production Projects
Production projects are aimed at the production work for a specific scientific investigation. Production projects can be submitted within specific deadlines for the two allocation periods starting on April 1 and on October 1. Projects are granted access based on scientific merit and technical feasibility. Allocations are valid for one year.
Development Projects
Development projects are meant for work on codes and algorithms. These projects can be submitted within specific deadlines for the two allocation periods starting on April 1 and on October 1. Small development projects are granted based on technical and feasibility assessment. Whereas large development projects are granted based on scientific merit and technical feasibility therefore deadlines always apply.
CHRONOS Tier-0 Projects
CHRONOS is an annual call for proposals issued by CSCS for high-impact, challenging and innovative research opened to all fields of science. Researchers from academia and research institutes are eligible to apply. The CHRONOS proposals can be awarded for 1 year.
Small Projects
Small projects are limited to resources requests no larger than 10k node hours
Preparatory Projects
Preparatory projects are intended for users who are new to CSCS to allow them to port and test their codes before applying for a Production Project. Existing users who wish to port and test a new code or application or need to generate the required benchmarks and resource justification to be included in the production proposals may also apply for a Preparatory Project.
These projects are granted a limited and finite amount of compute resources.
Renewal Reports
Multi-year projects are expected to submit a renewal report to assure then continuation of the project.
Deadlines for Submission
Deadlines for submission of production, large development and small project proposals.