If you wish to submit a small production/development project you need to have (in pdf format):
- Your production project proposal including all the mandatory items listed below
- Your curriculum vitae
- Your list of publications
The portal for the proposal submission is : projectoffice.cscs.ch
There is no deadline, small projects can be submitted at any time as long as the call is open.
Who can apply?
Small production projects are for applicants of the Swiss user community who do not have any compute resources at CSCS. PIs and their research group can only submit ONE such project proposal per year! Proposers must hold at least the position of post-doc within an academic institution.
PhD students CANNOT apply on their own, but instead must do so in consultation with, and under the auspices of, their supervisor. In such cases the supervisor should be identified as the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project.
The same proposer cannot submit more than 2 proposals per Call.
Proposers whose project proposals are granted must hold an academic position for the duration of the project. CSCS reserves the right to close the project otherwise.
PIs or members of the PIs' group submitting large production proposals cannot apply for small ones as well.
Small projects can only request resources up to 10'000 node hours on Alps.
Such projects cannot use more than the granted allocation and can only have 1 year duration (allocations will be adapted accordingly). We expect a small project to be the initial step to prepare and be followed by the submission of a large proposal in the National and CHRONOS Tier-0 calls.
PIs or members of the PI's group with ongoing large production projects (or collaborating in one large proposal) or with access to CSCS compute resources cannot apply for small production projects.
We allow a max 5 accounts per small project.
Resources for the small production projects are not guaranteed!
Small Production Projects
The small prodiction project proposal should be no longer than 5A4 pages including graphs and references, and must contain the following information:
- Short Abstract
- Short scientific goals and objectives
- Description of the research methods, algorithms, and code parallelization approach (including memory requirements)
- Technical Report:
- Representative benchmarks
- Resource request (not to exceed the 10k limit, to be justified)
- Disk space request exceeding 5 TB needs to be justified
- CV and Publication List (in pdf format)
Small projects are not reviewed scientifically but only technically by CSCS experts. Once they pass the technical assessment they might be granted.
Small development projects should be no longer than 5A4 pages including graphs and references, and must contain the following information:
- Brief statement of your goals
- Brief description of research method
- Outline of development
- Current status of software, benchmarks and scaling
- Algorithms and implementation (clear description of the algorithm development is required)
- Programming and parallelization approach
- Milestones
- Infrastructural requirements (type of hardware, debuggers, etc.)
The allocations of small development projects on other CSCS systems are discussed case by case. Small development projects can only ask for up to 5TB of storage.
Review Process
Small production proposals (< 10'000 node hours)
- Complete proposals will be assessed by technical evaluation. Technically reasonable proposals will be accepted within two months from submission.