A bottom-up initiative at CSCS has been the creation of an indoor gym. A group of employees proposed to use some available space to create a gym. This is a joint initiative between the center and the employees where the center provides the space and the employees contribute exercise equipment. In fact, many colleagues had unused equipment at their homes that made great additions to the gym. After less than a year, the gym room is looking quite professional with a large choice of equipment that can compete with some professional facilities. Fabio Verzelloni, a system engineer at CSCS, participated with others in the creation of the indoor gym and is one of its frequent visitors:
“I think that sport is really important, both for our body and for our mind. This is true especially in jobs like mine where you have to sit in front of a monitor for long periods of time. One year ago, CSCS created an indoor fitness room where it is possible to perform a variety of athletic activities. The gym has different kinds of equipment, like a treadmill, spinning bike, gym machine, benches, weights, etc. I really enjoy my time at the fitness room and I think it makes my work and life easier. I’ve noticed that going to the gym improves my concentration and provides mental health benefits. For example, if in the morning I have a problem that I cannot solve and I go to the gym in my lunch break, then very often I come back to my office with a clearer mind and I am much more productive. The gym also improves my mood and this results in a more positive attitude in the workplace. It is also nice to meet my colleagues in a situation that is not strictly work related and to get to know them better; the gym really creates bonds between colleagues”.