October 16, 2019 - by CSCS
ParaView is an open-source multiple-platform application for interactive, scientific visualization. It has a client–server architecture to enable remote visualization of datasets. It can be driven with a feature-rich Python interface. ParaView is based on the VTK toolkit, a library for computer graphics, image processing and visualization. ParaView has been successfully used at CSCS in many fields ranging from Physics, Engineering, Fluid Dynamics, Molecular Science, Climate and Weather, Astro-physics, etc.
The following topics were covered:
- ParaView latest features in version 5.6 and 5.7.
- Data formats and data interfaces for efficient distributed computations.
- Interactive and batch parallel visualization.
- Single-node SMP parallelism, MPI-based parallelism.
- Custom VTK python applications with simple Qt GUI.
- Interfaces to standard Python packages, Python Programmable Filters.
- Animation scripting, with steady or time-dependent data series.
- Volume Rendering of scalar data.
- Ray-tracing and Path-tracing (data, materials, progressive rendering).