March 16, 2020 - by CSCS

On Saturday, March 14, the canton of Ticino has declared a state of emergency and ordered that all non-essential activities be suspended until at least the end of March. As of Tuesday, March 17, access to CSCS buildings will be reduced to the absolute minimum; and as a consequence all staff except on-call service will work from their homes.

CSCS staff will do their best to continue to provide the service you all are accustomed to, even though circumstances are considerably more challenging and we may run into problems that take longer to solve. For all technical requests please continue to contact us here.

All events scheduled to take place in Lugano have been cancelled for the time being  (such as the "2020 Swiss Conference & HPCXXL User Group" meeting, please look at our webpage for updates).

Please follow all the official recommendations in this time of crisis (, and stay healthy.

For any further questions or concern you might have please contact us via e-mail.