If you wish to submit a production project you need to have (in pdf format):
- Your production project proposal including all the mandatory items listed below
- Your curriculum vitae
- Your list of publications
The portal for the proposal submission is : projectoffice.cscs.ch
The next deadline for submission of production proposals is on Monday May 19, 2025 at 17 CEST for the allocation starting on October 1, 2025!
***Be aware that the submission portal closes at 17:00 CEST, after that you will no longer be able to submit a proposal!***
Who can apply?
Proposers must hold at least the position of post-doc within an academic institution. Only professors can apply for multi-year projects.
PhD students CANNOT apply on their own, but instead must do so in consultation with, and under the auspices of, their supervisor. In such cases the supervisor should be identified as the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project.
International applications (and collaborations) will be accepted only if proposers and their teams are from academic institutions and use of GPUs is clearly proved and supported by all technical data.
The same proposer cannot submit more than 2 proposals per Call.
Double-awarding is not allowed. Applicants have to submit original proposals that have not already been submitted and/or granted in any other HPC programs.
Proposers whose project proposals are granted must hold an academic position for the duration of the project. CSCS reserves the right to close the project otherwise.
Principal investigators have to apply for resources on the HPC & ML vClusters on Alps. Production project proposals, which need 250'000 node hours or more, have to apply under the CHRONOS Tier-0 call.
All applicants have to ask for a preparatory access to Alps. Please visit our webpage on preparatory projects here>>.
Please note that proposals using purely multicore codes (in other words, codes that cannot run on GPUs) will be granted preparatory access to Eiger@Alps (AMD EPYC 7742 CPU Rome, 2x64 cores, 256/512 GB DDR RAM). Such MC proposals can be granted less than 250'000 node hours mostly on LUMI-C.
Swiss applicants can also request resources on the LUMI-C system in Kajaani, Finland. Please contact projectoffice@cscs.ch if you are interested in getting benchmark access on LUMI-C in preparation of a production proposal. LUMI-C has 2 x 64 cores AMD EPYC 7662 2.45 GHz. Please apply only if you have codes that do not run on GPUs.
The ML Platform is available only for proposals that are not covered by the Swiss AI Inititative.
***Please note that the multicore availability at CSCS is still relatively small compared to the accelerated resources and therefore applicants are strongly encouraged to move to GPU accelerated codes.***
Project Proposal Format
The project proposal must conform to these requirements:
- Length: no longer than10 A4 pages including graphs and references
- Font: Arial or Times New Roman and font size 11 using single line spacing
- Margins: at least 2.54 cm in all directions. These requirements apply to all sections of the proposal
And it must contain the following information:
- Abstract
- Background and significance
- Scientific goals and objectives
- Description of the research methods, algorithms, and code parallelization approach (including memory requirements)
- Technical Report (a tamplate will be provided in time):
- Representative benchmarks
- Resource justification (annual node hours and disk space)
- Project plans: tasks and milestones
- Visualization, pre- and post-processing needs
- Previous results are mandatory (if applicable)! Please list allocations requested, granted and used in your previous project (if applicable).
- Research publications that resulted from previous allocations acknowledging use of CSCS resources are recommended
- Reference list is required and must not be references of your own work but a list of relevant references from the literature
- Development and debugging requirements (not mandatory)
The project proposal should strictly follow the template and guidelines provided here:
Please note that
- "Batch job summary report" is not available on EIger@Alps
- "jobreport" is availabe on Daint@Alps
Multi-year Submissions:
- Multi-year project proposals must have a research plan that justifies the multi-year request and 3 clearly defined milestones for each year requested. These milestones will be checked at time of each renewal.
- Only professors can submit multi-year proposals up to three years.
- Be aware that in the renewals, applicants can only ask up to 20% more than the original granted resources.
Please note that lack of any of the mandatory parts may result in rejection of the proposal.
The allocation requested must be per year, that is you need to provide the total number of node hours required for one year of your project.
The documents that need to be submitted are:
- Project Proposal (pdf format)
- Curriculum Vitae (pdf format)
- Publication List (pdf format)
VERY IMPORTANT: All applicants have to apply for a Preparatory Project, unless they already have access to Alps. Preparatory access allows you to port your code, to test it, and to collect all the information necessary for a Production Project Proposal. Data has to be provided on Alps
Please do not submit one proposal for multiple projects. It is mandatory to submit one proposal per project, even if those projects are related via the same code or suites of codes. The same PI cannot submit more than 2 proposals per call.
Please be aware that proposals rejected in previous calls cannot be resubmitted!
Review Process
Large production proposals (> 10'000 and < 250'000 node hours)
The review process is structured as follows:
- Complete proposals will be subjected to a technical feasibility assessment
- Complete proposals will be subjected to scientific review which will be carried out by reviewers from an international pool
- Based on the technical/scientific reviews a panel committee of scientific experts will rate the projects and make a final allocation recommendation
Applicants do not receive intermediate feedbacks, the communication will only happen within 2-3 weeks from the SAC meeting.
There are two allocation periods for Production Projects and Large Development Projects on CSCS HPC systems starting on: April 1st and October 1st.
Renewal Reports
Please click here » for information on the renewal report.