06.11.2018 An ice age lasting 115,000 years in two minutes An international research team used a computer model to reconstruct the history of glaciation in the Alps, visualising…
15.08.2018 “We cannot definitively say which physical processes are dominant or relevant in an earthquake.” Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Assistant Professor of Geophysics at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, simulates earthquake…
19.07.2017 Scientists use "Piz Daint" simulations to track heavy summer precipitation from the Mediterranean Low-pressure weather systems that move northwards in the summer from Italy to central Europe bring with them dreaded…
12.06.2017 Convection-resolving simulation over Europe When the hybrid supercomputer “Piz Daint” came online in 2014, one of the first science projects that it ran was a…
10.01.2017 High resolution propagation of seismic waves in space and time Researchers have developed a new algorithm for representing wave propagation in a medium. The parallel algorithm running…
07.11.2016 Earth's magnetic field under the "simulation magnifying glass" Earth’s magnetic field has reversed direction hundreds of times in the course of our planet’s history. But the cause of…
04.07.2016 Can cirrus cloud seeding help to “save” the climate? Researchers at ETH Zurich used ‘Piz Daint’ to simulate how cirrus cloud seeding, a novel geoengineering method, might…
19.01.2016 Where the Earth is humming and whistling The Earth is constantly in motion, like a vibrating bell. Natural forces are the origin of these vibrations, which are…
13.05.2015 Cold and snow came from the south As simulations conducted by climate researchers from the University of Bern and the Oeschger Centre reveal, the…
11.02.2015 Summer storms and heavy rainfall in the future climate Hail, thunderstorms and heavy rainfall. These extreme events are supposedly on the increase in the course of global…
29.10.2014 Trend signals from the oceans Scientists at the University of Bern have shown in a new study that the imprint of carbon dioxide emissions caused by…
18.03.2014 Cloud-resolving climate simulations for Europe Climate scientists have used the brand new supercomputer “Piz Daint” to verify their high-resolution models. Their goal…
18.03.2014 Zooming into the Earth's interior with a supercomputer Scientists have set themselves the goal of using simulations to map the Earth’s interior in so much detail that you can…
28.01.2014 Continents set the pace The origin and stimulus behind plate tectonics has been simulated with the aid of high-performance computers. A new…
15.10.2013 New insight into the Earth's deep interior For 300 years we have known that the Earth’s magnetic field moves gradually westward. Computer simulations on the CSCS…